Corona – Day 2 – Home Office


Day 2, so far so good. I tidied my (home)office a bit, settled in and did some tech support for my students. You won’t believe how bad they re with usernames and passwords, well if you’re a teacher you will. 🙂

My new microphone arrived and it works quite well. I also ordered a webcam and I’m looking into ways to create videos for my students. Yes, I’m trying to make the best of this bad situation. Depending on how long this lasts, I might end up with a complete production studio. John Oliver: I’m coming for you.

My students should be occupied for the next few days and the plan is to think big picture tomorrow. I have to adjust my plans to this new situation. I have to properly set up the “Teams” I have with my students, I did quite a lot today, I feel like I spent a whole day just adding people to lists and sharing stuff with them.

I’m not complaining though, things could be worse. There was a corona-case among the teachers but so far no-one besides “patient zero” got it. I haven’t had much contact with that person last week and I don’t have any symptoms so I’m probably fine. Knock on wood.

The first week is going to be a lot of work but I hope that I’m set up next week and can focus on teaching instead of tech-support and setting up stuff. It’s going to be challenging but as long as I can keep up my daily routine. I should be fine, but more on that tomorrow.

Stay healthy.

Corona – Day 1 – Don’t be a Scab

Day 1 of who knows how many. I’m one of those “scabs” who went to school. The argument I can make for myself is that I’m just here to help others but starting tomorrow I’ll have to do that from home. It doesn’t make any sense to go to crowded places but our Department of Education needs some more time to get to that conclusion. At least that’s how it seems. I’m the English Department head at our school and we have a meeting scheduled for 13:30. Hopefully the last meeting, we need to set some guidelines, everyone who can work from home has to do that. It just doesn’t make any sense to do it any other way. Let’s just hope that the people in charge agree.

I know that everyone is either overwhelmed or our out of one’s depth…or both. Admitting it is the first step, there’s no shame it it. Count me in for both of those conditions. But I firmly believe that we can get through this. One step at time. Do your part, if you can work from home, it’s the responsible thing to do.

Don’t “scab” and stay healthy.


Stay home and stay healthy.

Corona – Day 0 – This is weird

I'd prefer this Corona.

I’d prefer this Corona.

This is weird, really weird and I can’t believe how fast it happened. I doesn’t make sense to talk too much about the current situation… things will be different in 15 minutes anyway but I’m going to tell you how it makes me feel and what I intend to do.

It looks like schools are closed for (at least) four weeks and restaurants and bars etc. are closing as well. Public life comes to a halt. This is what it must feel like when a war starts in a neighbouring country. This feeling of uncertainty is probably the worst. I know that I’m going to be fine but I cant say the same about everyone I know. This sucks.

So what am I going to do? First things first, I have to make sure that my students get a proper education, not being in the same room as I is probably a good start. I already have a few ideas on how to proceed and I will try to make the best of it. It will be challenging but I hope I can rise to the occasion.

I will probably have to help others getting ready for that as well. A few of us (teachers at my school) have a harder time than me getting around our digital tools and I’ll do what I can to help them. I kind of liken this to “what would you do during the zombie apocalypse” and I like to think that I’d be a helpful survivor.

I’m also going to write more. The plan is to get some pages out each day (probably after the initial school setup phase) and to write a blogpost daily to chronicle these testing times.

Until tomorrow. Stay healthy.