Day 2, so far so good. I tidied my (home)office a bit, settled in and did some tech support for my students. You won’t believe how bad they re with usernames and passwords, well if you’re a teacher you will. 🙂
My new microphone arrived and it works quite well. I also ordered a webcam and I’m looking into ways to create videos for my students. Yes, I’m trying to make the best of this bad situation. Depending on how long this lasts, I might end up with a complete production studio. John Oliver: I’m coming for you.
My students should be occupied for the next few days and the plan is to think big picture tomorrow. I have to adjust my plans to this new situation. I have to properly set up the “Teams” I have with my students, I did quite a lot today, I feel like I spent a whole day just adding people to lists and sharing stuff with them.
I’m not complaining though, things could be worse. There was a corona-case among the teachers but so far no-one besides “patient zero” got it. I haven’t had much contact with that person last week and I don’t have any symptoms so I’m probably fine. Knock on wood.
The first week is going to be a lot of work but I hope that I’m set up next week and can focus on teaching instead of tech-support and setting up stuff. It’s going to be challenging but as long as I can keep up my daily routine. I should be fine, but more on that tomorrow.
Stay healthy.