Corona – Day 2 – Home Office


Day 2, so far so good. I tidied up my (home) office a bit, settled in, and did some tech support for my students. You wouldn’t believe how bad they are with usernames and passwords—then again, if you’re a teacher, you probably would. 🙂

My new microphone arrived, and it works really well. I’ve also ordered a webcam and started looking into ways to create videos for my students. Yes, I’m trying to make the best of a bad situation. If this goes on long enough, I might end up with a full production studio. John Oliver: watch out, I’m coming for you.

My students should be occupied for the next few days, so the plan for tomorrow is to think big picture. I need to adjust my plans to fit this new situation. I also need to properly organize the “Teams” I have with my students. I did quite a lot today—it felt like the whole day was spent adding people to lists and sharing materials with them.

I’m not complaining, though. Things could definitely be worse. There was a confirmed corona case among the teachers, but so far no one besides “patient zero” seems to have it. I didn’t have much contact with that person last week and haven’t shown any symptoms, so I’m probably fine. Knock on wood.

This first week is going to be a lot of work, but I’m hoping that by next week, I’ll be set up and can focus more on teaching instead of tech support and setup. It’s going to be challenging, but as long as I stick to my daily routine, I should be fine. I’ll share more on that tomorrow.

Stay healthy!

About Greg

Greg writes, teaches and sleeps. Sometimes he plays D&D.
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