Corona – Day 0 – This is weird

I'd prefer this Corona.

I prefer this Corona.

This is weird. Really weird. I can’t believe how quickly it all happened. It doesn’t make much sense to dwell on the current situation—things will probably change again in the next 15 minutes anyway—but I’m going to share how it makes me feel and what I intend to do.

It looks like schools are closing for (at least) four weeks, along with restaurants, bars, and other public spaces. Public life is coming to a halt. This must be what it feels like when a war breaks out in a neighboring country. The uncertainty is the worst part. I know I’m going to be fine, but I can’t say the same for everyone I know. This sucks.

So, what am I going to do? First things first, I need to ensure my students continue getting a proper education. Not being in the same room with them is probably a good start. I already have some ideas on how to proceed, and I’ll do my best to adapt. It’s going to be challenging, but I hope I can rise to the occasion.

I’ll probably also need to help others get ready for this. Some of my colleagues are having a harder time navigating digital tools, and I’ll do what I can to support them. In a way, this feels like one of those “What would you do during the zombie apocalypse?” scenarios. I like to think I’d be a helpful survivor.

On a personal note, I plan to write more. The goal is to get some pages done each day (once the initial school setup phase is complete) and to post a daily blog to chronicle these strange, testing times.

Until tomorrow—stay healthy.

About Greg

Greg writes, teaches and sleeps. Sometimes he plays D&D.
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