Back from a little blog break. I had a relatively quiet weekend 1. I uploaded an old video essay of mine—damn you, YouTube content filter—and then I uploaded an edited version again. 2
I’m already working on another video essay, and I think I’ve got a decent plan for this week’s episode of “Mr. Vogt Explains.” The plan is to write it on Wednesday, record some new band inserts, and then, like last week, shoot and edit the episode on Thursday. At least, that’s the plan.
I spent most of the day correcting assignments. As long as my students hand in their work like they’re supposed to, the workflow is pretty smooth. I use my iPad for corrections, so I can write with “a pen” without needing to print or scan anything. When it works, it feels like magic… unless… well, let’s not go there.
Time to grab some dinner, then it’s back to more correcting before heading to bed early to get rid of this jet lag—damn you, daylight savings time.