Back from I little blog break. I had a relatively quite weekend 1. I uploaded an old video essay of mine, damn you youtube content filter, and then I uploaded an edited version again. 2
I’m already working on an other video essay and I think I have a decent plan for this weeks episode of “Mr. Vogt Explains”. The plan is to write it on Wednesday and record some new band inserts, and then, like last week I shoot and edit the episode on Thursday. At least that’s the plan.
I spend most of the day correcting, as long as my students hand in their stuff like they are supposed to, the workflow is pretty great. I use my iPad to correct, so I can do it with “a pen” without having to print or scan anything. When it work, it works like magic…unless….well, lets not go there.
I have to get some dinner now and then it’s more correcting before I go to bed early to get rid of this jet-lag, damn you daylight savings time.