Feedback to the video has been good. I just sent it to a couple of students and I’m not claiming that I’m hitting YouTube jackpot here, but one could say that the video went a bit viral. 🙂
That being said, work on episode two has officially begun. I’m aiming for that 10minute mark. I’ll probably record some more band reactions and I have some ideas for “Anonymous Reporting”.
One thing I might have to introduce thought, “RANT!”. Guess what, the video got copyright flagged for the shirt Corona Song clip. I’m probably not gonna dispute the claim, there’s no money in it, but doing a segment on copyright seems like an interesting idea.
That being said, I’m toying with the idea to do something really educational next time. Should something besides Corona come up over the weekend, I’m seriously going to consider that.
Another idea, I might use a topic my students are working on (Revolution of 1848 or WW II) and do something educational and fun about. WW II with jokes, what could go wrong.
I’m taking a blog break this weekend. I have to start with some grading, apparently of you let your students do work, you have to correct it at some point. Who knew.
Besides that I have to get my new D&D campaign running. I have the first few sessions outlined and I know where I want the campaign to go but I need to adapt to new circumstances. It will be “trial and error” but by now I’m used to that.
If it works out, I might actually try to join an online D&D game.