It’s been how long?


Anybody still there? If so, what are you doing here? I’m not saying I assume you’re a stalker or anything, but it is a bit weird that you’re here. Granted, it’s even weirder that I’m here.

Honestly, I don’t know why I’m back. I just felt the need to return to my blog and reactivate it. Not sure for what purpose, but I updated the blog, skimmed through some old posts, and felt compelled to add to the pile.

If I had to make up an excuse for not posting, I’d say it’s because I switched jobs—I’m now some kind of vice-principal. But to use that as an excuse would be a lie. At first, I stopped posting because the blog itself felt like too much work. When that became overwhelming, I just stopped writing altogether—blogs, screenplays, everything.

Not sure why. I still want to tell stories, but writing (and making a movie) feels so far out of reach right now that I can’t bring myself to invest the time. I toyed with the idea of writing something different, but nothing really came of it. So yeah, it’s been four years. Time flies.

But why am I back? As I said, no idea. Do I want to write something? Maybe. Do I know what? Definitely not. But maybe something will develop if I just start. Don’t worry—I’m not about to write a novel and self-publish it. But maybe I’ll try a few short stories. Who knows? If I manage to write one, maybe I’ll rediscover that feeling again.

I’m capable of putting words on paper, and with tools like ChatGPT, even spellchecking has become easier.

So, long story short, the plan is to write a short story. I think I’m going for something sci-fi, but I’m still brainstorming. I’ve got a working title, though: PHAROS.

The timeline is fluid, but I’d like to have a decent draft ready by the start of 2025.

Stay tuned.


About Greg

Greg writes, teaches and sleeps. Sometimes he plays D&D.
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